Training Programs

Organized or attended by the NAO

25, September, 2022 I 10:00 AM

“Value Added Tax” Training course for NAO employees

“Value Added Tax” Training course for NAO employees

25 technical employees from the National Audit Office (NAO) attended an advanced training course on “Value Added Tax (VAT)”, which was presented by professional trainers in cooperation with KPMG Fakhroo.

The two-day course discussed a number of topics such as the role of Performance Audit in verifying the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Bureau for Revenue, its procedures for applying, collecting, and depositing value-added tax and related risks.      

The training highlighted the importance of appropriate procedures to check that the entities responsible for collecting VAT comply with existing laws and regulations. Case studies were included for illustration purposes.

One of the professional trainers was Robert Costa, previous Vice Chair of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Working Group on Developing International VAT Guidelines. He also worked with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on developing public rulings on the ATO’s interpretation of GST (Good & Services Tax) law. He has provided taxation advisory and consultancy work for more than 30 years and is a key contributor to many international forums on VAT.