Training Programs

Organized or attended by the NAO

25, October, 2022 I 09:00 AM

Training in planning for value-added audit tasks

Training in planning for value-added audit tasks

The National Audit Office (NAO) held a webinar for technical staff of the Regulatory Audit Directorate on "Planning Audit Tasks Based on Adding Value", presented by Ahmed Buti, Audit Manager at the Regulatory Audit Directorate.

The course aimed to familiarize the trainees with planning procedures for audit tasks that add value to help achieve the strategic objective of the NAO of providing valuable auditing services.

The concept of “added value” was discussed in general and in the field of auditing according to the standards of the International Organization for Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) as well as in relation with the strategic plan of the NAO.

The training focused on applying the concept of added value during the planning process, such as creating audit tasks that add value and included case studies for illustration purposes.