Training Programs

Organized or attended by the NAO

29, November, 2021 I 01:00 AM

"Auditing in times of Disasters" a training course with participation from the National Audit Office

"Auditing in times of Disasters"  a training course with participation from the National Audit Office

Organized by ARABOSAI and in cooperation with Saudi Arabia's General Court of Audit.

The National Audit Office participated in a training course on the "Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Auditing in times of Disasters", held by the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions ARABOSAI in cooperation with the General Court of Audit (GCA) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The webinar included a definition of disasters, their characteristics and types, international procedures and standards used when monitoring and auditing disaster-related aid. Furthermore it highlighted the difficulties faced by entities when auditing in times of disasters.

The participants looked at case studies and actual audit missions conducted by some entities, and performed practical exercises to apply the  theoretical aspects of the webinar.