Training Programs

Organized or attended by the NAO

06, November, 2022 I 09:00 AM

The National Audit Office participates in an Arab training Course on "The Risks of Fraud and scam"

The National Audit Office participates in an Arab training Course on "The Risks of Fraud and scam"

The National Audit Office participated in a training course on "Skills for Detecting the risks of Fraud and Scam by Supreme Audit Institutions", which was held by the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions "ARABOSAI", in cooperation with the State Audit Institution in the Sultanate of Oman.

The training course discussed the characteristics and control procedures related to the risks of fraud and scam, the ways to detect these violations, their indicators, methods of evaluating and dealing with their risks, and the role of the supreme audit institutions in reducing them.

The course was attended by colleagues representing the NAO, Ishaq Abdulaziz, auditor at the Administrative Audit Directorate, and Ali Malik, auditor at the Administrative Audit Directorate.